Space Needle Anti Graffiti Film Seattle

Space Needle Elevator - Anti Graffiti Film

Space Needle Elevator – Anti Graffiti Film

Space Needle - Seattle Center

Space Needle – Seattle Center













The Space Needle is a notable landmark of Seattle. We also found out it is also a target…

…For graffiti! Which irritates me to no end. At the same time, because we have Anti Graffiti solutions its a great for business and helps restore our city.

Someone tagged a elevator window with their initials on a piece of glass that,  Due to it being curved and having safety features it costs an exorbitant amount of money… No really I almost had a heart attack when I heard how much to replace it. Facilities management was frustrated when they called us asking for a solution. We educated them on our services and the next day we removed the scratches and installed anti graffiti film on the entire elevator car, All for less than 1% of the cost  to replace the one pane. Boom! Just blew your mind. I know because you just raised your eyebrows and said to yourself “wow”. We are now a vendor for anti graffiti films on the Space Needle. Pretty cool, I think.

Summer is coming and storefronts will be a target for graffiti. To get a free quote for graffiti abatement call 800.404.3695 or email also visit

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