Tinting US Open Fox Sports Tacoma

US Open Fox Sports Booth - Glare Reducing Window Film

US Open Fox Sports Booth – Glare Reducing Window Film

US Open Fox Sports Booth - Glare Reducing Window Film

US Open Fox Sports Booth – Glare Reducing Window Film



The US Open is upon us and Fox Sports booth called us to install some Window Film

We got an email from the lighting director with Fox Sports requesting window film for their broadcasting booth for the US Open. The cameras pick up tons of light which can totally wash out the shot. Window Film is a great solution to maintain a great view and manage natural light. The film we used was Solar Graphics ND15 – Keep in mind that the number (15) Represents the percentage of visible light transmission, In this case 15% of light is allowed through. That is a pretty dark film if you think about it

ND Films are used on glass to control the density of light or “glare” from most incoming light sources, such as ambient light coming in through windows.  This control neutralizes or stabilizes light for better digital camera and photo production operations, extending the quality of color and resolution.

It was a cool project to work on with a beautiful Puget Sound view. If you are interested in window film for your home or business (or film studio on a golf course, If you have one) give as call or email is

800.404.3695 or bids@abcsuncontrol.net

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